在爵士乐大师“胖子沃勒”成长的新泽西帕塞克小镇上,弗莱彻老人(丹尼•格洛弗 Danny Glover 饰)带着对大师的回忆,在商业化大潮中坚守者一家录像带出租店,黑小伙迈克(茅斯•达夫 Mos Def 饰)和镇上神经质的无业游民杰瑞(杰克•布莱克 Jack Black 饰)整日盘踞在录像带店,杰瑞最近感到发电厂的微波辐射正在控制小镇居民,遂要求迈克和他一起炸毁发电厂,但是受旅行的弗莱彻所托照顾店子的迈克临阵退缩,导致杰瑞任务失败,出人意料的是,杰瑞自此变成了“磁化人”,录像带全部因为杰瑞的磁化而失去了画面!老顾客费罗唯茨小姐(米亚•法罗 Mia Farrow 饰)每日和弗莱彻通话,为了不让弗莱彻发现店中变故,迈克和杰瑞假装一切如常,他们不得不开始自己拍摄电影,以瞒过弗莱彻和小镇电影迷们……...
Leigh VanVoreen had to escape from Farthinggale Manor and the secrets she harbored. She fell into the arms of Luke Casteel, whose devotion promised her hope. Only Luke knew her deepest secret. Bravely she bore the local folks' suspicions as she grasped for the happiness that had long eluded her, awaiting the birth of her child and hoping for a chance at happily-ever-after....
A couple embark on an early vacation. Left alone, their children cut loose until the boy gets caught for skipping school and things take an unexpected turn. Boasting exquisite camera work, the film is also unforgettable for its wholly original ending....